What is a home inspector

Home " Home inspection " What is a home inspector

What is a "home inspector"?

The figure of the "home inspector" is a qualified technician in the sector who checks the state of the house. But, what does qualified mean? In the case of Revicasaour technicians are registered architects/technical architects because they not only check the state of the house in search of any hidden defects, but also advise you on all technical issues you ask them. That is to say, maybe a house that you have seen at a very good price has some cracks in a wall (which has happened to us) and apart from checking the whole house, the architect issues a report saying exactly if those cracks are hidden. cracks are structural or of finishes and the possible danger that it supposes for the house and its occupants.

This is very important, because anyone with basic knowledge in installations or even in reforms can advise you. However, our differential value is that our visits and home inspection reports are signed by registered architects who are the only technicians who can assess serious structural problems, cracks or applicable regulations. In addition, after receiving the report you can call the architect who made it to ask him personally any questions you may have.

Home inspectors are here to stay in Spain

The figure of the "home inspector" is well known in other countries such as the United States or England and has come to Spain to stay. Buying a home is a great investment, a mortgage for almost all your life. For this reason, our service is designed to help buyers to offer qualified advice on the condition of their home. Moreover, in the home inspection report we value economically the repairs in case there are any. So that, if after the purchase you start looking for renovation budgets, you can know beforehand an external estimate of market costs.

The housing inspectorsIn short, our "home inspectors" help you make the best decision in the purchase of your home. They advise you on changes in distribution or choice of energy efficiency improvements as they are architects and you will also know a market price of possible repairs you want to make.

If you need our services, you can schedule your inspection or contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.

Avoid future problems, inspect your property now

Secure your purchase with our technical home report