We collaborate with real estate agencies
Buy or sell real estate with security
We help you to generate more confidence in your buyer/seller so that he/she values the service you offer more.
Collaborate with us
The problems we solve for your customers
Buying and selling

You are afraid of hidden defects, you want to know how much the redorma will cost, see plans... and you will want to lower the price.

The property is sold as is, wants an above market price and does not want to lower that price.

You want a lot of guarantee of payment and as much confidence as possible, in case your home is damaged.

You are afraid that you will not get your deposit back for damages that you have not done or for wear and tear.
The numbers speak for themselves

What benefits does Revicasa offer you?
Potential customers will feel more secure
Knows perfectly the property you are selling
Faster closing of sales
You will give a better image than other agencies
Bargaining power
Negotiate the price with the owners if there are deficiencies.
Loyalty and referrals
your customers will recommend you and want to count on you again
Economic benefit
Get a reward by recommending us or a discount by contracting
State-of-the-art inspection technology
We are the only proptech in the sector that incorporated the development of our own App when performing home inspections.
Thanks to this allows us to be more efficient and complete in the reports and above all faster when it comes to making them. This allows us to design and produce a report that you can understand perfectly and includes every aspect of the property in a detailed document with more than 40 pages.
We also have the latest tools on the market such as 360 degree cameras, laser levelers, sound levelers and more.

Avoid buying a home with defects
Trust specialized architects to inspect your home so you can make an informed decision.
Schedule inspection

We work in all the peninsula

Request information on how to work together
In Revicasa we have professionalized home inspections by having registered architects as inspectors. Thanks to their solid training and experience on site, they are the ideal professionals to perform this service with the utmost precision and detail. In addition, our technicians receive specialized training to ensure the quality and completeness of each inspection.
Our inspections are much more complete than those of any architect without this specialization or those of other home inspection companies, offering a detailed and accurate analysis so you can make the best decision about the purchase of your home.